Where I for once stop pretending every other phlog isn't an entitled

I have shell accounts on a bunch of boxes around, most of them I got
thinking I'd eventually find a use for them about a year ago.
I log into them every now and then but never really get anything done or
interact with people much.

Generally speaking, they're generic Debian or [xxx]BSD boxes with tmux
installed and pretty much nothing else going on, which is how I like my
shell accounts to be like anyway. Just drop a small .vimrc on there, a
very short .tmux.conf to get colours working, a couple of aliases to
restart or join local services if needs be and off you go.

Default settings might not be great, but at least they're consistent.

There are a couple boxes that cater more to the `macos/what is a shell
account anyway?/hackerman` crowd, that override lots of default settings
for no good reason in the name of what I assume they think is user
friendliness. Nevermind that half of the output of `ls` is unreadable if
you don't use `insert popular terminal colourscheme that is 95%
guaranteed to be solarized`, that tmux inexplicably only accepts emacs
binds even tho a default tmux install will happily support both emacs
and vi keys, that there are more bash aliases to learn than I have on my
own machine...

They services they provide are great. They're *BEEG MASHEENS*, you can
do basically anything you want short of portscanning alpha centauri,
they're great environments to learn things in *if you can't tell that
half of the basic utilities are actively getting in your way*. I
recommended them to a couple friends who were trying to get into more
unixy-type stuff, because I knew that if they were scared of fucking up
their own machines, they'd be scared of having to figure things out from
scratch on someone else's machine.

I dont expect anything interesting to happen. There's nothing to fuck
up, nothing to fix, nothing to tweak, just someone else's config.