I spent most of the last 2 weeks coughing and sneezing rainbow-coloured
worms, which means that I've also had to book several medical
appointments to try and figure out what I actually had caught.

That's how I realized that both my gp, and the xray place in town, have
switched to forcing doctolib upon their patients.

Doctolib is a french service that essentially acts as a middleman
between patient and medical professionals, allowing people to book
appointments online. From a distance, that seems ok. It's an explicitely
opt-in service that *the patient* has to create an account for.

Or so that's what I thought. As it turns out, both my gp and the xray
place have replaced their own booking system with doctolib's, meaning
whoever picks up the phone when you call casually feeds doctolib your
name, phone number, the date and time of your appointment as well as the
name and specialty of the person you're supposed to see.

Your benefit as the patient is that you get a text message to remind you
of the appointment.

Of course I was never asked. I only noticed the doctolib url in the last
text message I got, meaning there are 4 or 5 similar entries in their
database that I never consented to. There is no way to ask for my
information to be purged without providing them with a means of
identification **fuck that** and I have zero hope that those entries in
their db have been automatically purged since then.

I'll bring it up to my gp next time I see her, but I have little faith
she will even understand my concern. Maybe she'll be more receptive to
the idea that, ultimately, doctolib will shift its business model
towards being some kind of medical yelp, but I doubt that.