Things are fairly quiet right now, meaning I have the time and energy to do
more than casually glance at the new phlogs, dick around with config files and
read k&r a couple pages at a time on the toilet.

I'm trying to get through solderpunk's 30 odd posts about gemini[1], as I
somehow missed most of that happening, and I have to say, just having to go
through this many files, a bunch of them linking to other files in other
places, really makes me long for some kind of tree-like history centered
around temporary bookmarks, or a way to manage lists of things you want to
read without having to resort to external tools.

Think small clusters of session bookmarks / onetab snapshots and you'll be
most of the way there.

I feel like I wouldn't have had such a hard time building a temporary mental
model of where I am, how I got there and where I want to go next 10 years ago,
which is kind of odd as I'm only in my early 30s.

Guess I'm gonna have to figure out how to pull entire folders using netcat or

[1].. gopher://