This is a companion piece to ``Phlogging about flogging things``.
Please read both. It'll make a lot more sense if you do.

This is sort of a response to sloum with regards to his groff-inspired
markup language for that gopher superset research project thingadoodle.
It's based on my very limited understanding of groff, which is that it
will attempt to string things together regardless of the formatting,
unless it detects a valid tag, in which case it executes that macro and
goes back to stringing things together.
The language as described by sloum is underspecified so I -conveniently-
assume that some black magic is supposed to happen under the hood to
handle ambiguous cases. I may or may not disregard this entirely if it
serves my point.

Yes, yes, that's the joke.


Phlogging about flogging (dead) things
nl 1
A couple nights ago, as I was writing my
link phlog -> gopher://
about that half-arsed subset of reStructuredText I gimmicked up to
illustrate why some basic, human-readable formatting, would be nice,
sloum told me they'd been tinkering with their own markup
link language -> gopher://
roughly based on
link Groff ->