Today you'll see a new link on the Republic gopher [0] and gemini
[1] homepages, to the inaugural issue of "Circumlunar
Transmissions", a community zine created with input from circumlunar
space users. Thanks to mieum [2] for taking on the mantle of editor
and putting all of the submissions together in a great format.


We've had some nice weather the past week or so in Quebec, today it
is 22c and sunny. This despite the official forecasts threatening
rain every day. I'm not sure how they get it wrong so often, but I'm
not complaining in this case. The nicer weather has allowed me to
get out on my bike more often.


We've slipped back into a COVID red zone in the Eastern Townships,
averaging about 380 new cases/6 deaths per week for the past few
weeks. People are getting careless with the warmer weather, or maybe
getting a false sense of security with a lot of 'one shotters'
walking around now. Canada had vaccine supply issues early on, and
so delayed people's second shots to 12+ weeks. My own second shot
won't be until mid-August, despite getting my first shot in
April. So for now I am still being careful.

[0]: gopher://
[1]: gemini://
[2]: gopher://