
                                                 September 27, 2023

Well, it has been a few months since I have taken the reigns here at
the Republic, and I am just now getting around to putting this
gopherhole in order. I am migrating everything I had written
previously over at the Zaibatsu now that this is more-or-less my new
home in the circumlunar universe. I am also repurposing this
gopherhole in the process. Originally, I would write poems or
short stories here. I have kept those, and will probably write more.
But I would also like to use this space to post other ramblings and
communicate with other sundogs or gophers abroad.

I have also changed the license for all the content I am posting
here. Everything is now (and will be) in the public domain, becuase
why not. I find it hard to care too much about copyright anymore.