98 - Making waffles by the vans.
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Was hanging  out with Del at  their sister's place
the other  day.  And  she's got  a bunch  of patio
tables on the front lawn,  turned on their end and
leaned  up against  those  four vending  machines.
Which are  still sitting  there, for  some reason.
Maybe Lucy  found something  else for  her bowling
alley? Who knows.

Anyways, behind  the third  one we find  a propane
tank with some still  in it.  Lucky find!  Because
Del had also scored  a propane-powered waffle iron
at the  Weeping Sailor's  close-out last  week.  I
never knew there was such a thing.  But I guess if
you're  into camping  with lots  of kit,  then why

We  get some  water, and  find half  a box  of mix
inside the house, and it's mostly silverfish-free.
Drag a table over to the  Chevy and mix it up, and
it  cooks real  well  in that  iron.  Didn't  even
stick.  We sit inside the  van and have those, and
I sure haven't had a waffle  as good as those in a

In a box  under the bench in the van,  I even find
this pair of  nylon pants that fits  me. Some days
like  these, everything  just  feels  so, I  don't
know, bountiful I guess.