89 - No internet.
[email protected]

It's sure a bit of  a drag that there's no working
cell tower here now.  No more five-minute hikes up
the hill  to get a  signal. Now  I got to  catch a
ride into town to upload  my files and stuff.  You
can scrounge  some open  wifi in the  alley behind
the old Regal, most days.

Although I  just learned yesterday that  Hat's got
some  old  computer hooked  up  to  her radio  set
again. And all  I got to do is leave  her my files
and  my password  and she'll  upload them  somehow
over that. She  just sips her tea  and watches the
numbers go  up. It's  like 110  bods, is  what she
told  me. I  don't know  what exactly  that means,
except  it's sloooooow.   But it's  okay, I  don't
usually write too long.

I was away only a  few months, but old Hat somehow
seems a lot  older now. It's like  the hardness is
gone, and she's just  not kicking ass like before.
I think it  really took it out of  her, losing her
grand-daughter  and  her  daughter in  such  short
succession, and  in that  way. Maybe it's  a small
mercy  she wasn't  there to  see what  happened to
Ellie  like I  was.  That  stuff sticks  with you.
It's the  crunching sound, that I  still can't get
out of my head even now.