87 - Things have changed.
[email protected]

Things have changed  some, while I was  away a few
months. The complex's  playground is totally gone,
and the elfs put down  one of their wrestling mats
where  it was.   It seems  like there's  more elfs
living here now, and  less homo-saps.  I heard the
Leungs  went north  to  join  the Reckonners,  and
Parma and Jeet  are gone too, no  one knows where.
More  Olds here  in general  I would  say, because
there's  centaur patrols  all  the  time now,  and
there's even a whole bunch  of dwarfs living a few
doors up. That's new.

That  last cell  tower  must  have finally  fallen
over, so  there's no internet access  an easy walk
from here anymore.  There's still some electricity
to  a  few  units,  and we  still  do  our  little
extension-cord thing to pass that around.  But the
water's shut off completely,  so we're all sharing
from  these  big bottles  that  we  truck in  from
elsewhere. That's kind of a drag.  I will miss the
sort-of functioning  infrastructure they  had back
in  Burloo, for  sure.   Some  people always  talk
about about how they want to get off the grid. But
when the grid  gets off you first,  that's kind of
less fun to talk about, isn't it.