48 - Cars in the hillside.
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I saw  one of those  things today that  bothers my
brain for a while, because it's just so baffling.

I  was hiking  around in  the woods  in the  hills
behind  the  complex  the  other  day,  trying  to
install  PJ's  cellphone-on-a-stick thingies  here
and there as part of  our ogre warning system. And
it wasn't going so  well, because this small bunch
of goblins  are tracking me  as I go. I  would set
one device  up, walk away,  and when I  look back,
they're trying to pull the stake out of the ground
and  take the  phone off  it. Or  pulling off  the
plastic baggie we put  on them for water proofing,
and  putting  it over  their  head.  And I'm  just
thinking like,  over your  head, really?  That's a
very poor decision.

Anyways, there's  a lot of trails  back there, and
rugged in parts as you go out further. And since I
go there  a lot  I get  to thinking  I've explored
about all of it. And I take this fork in the trail
that I was sure I had gone down before, but pretty
soon I  realize I'm  somewhere unfamiliar.   And I
follow it up over this ridge I don't remember, and
then I'm coming down into a lower area.

I couldn't believe what I saw. Looking down, there
is this sort of  steep-sided little valley, hidden
from  all  sides, and  the  slopes  have old  cars
somehow embedded  into them. There must  have been
dozens of them, buried sideways into the hillside,
so  that   only  the   driver-side  of   each  was
visible. I can't even imagine how these came to be
here - there is no road, and even if there was how
could anyone  bury them  this way. Not  to mention
why. And then  I remember all those  dirty cars at
my dad's place that he won't tell me where they're
from, and I get this weird feeling in my stomach.

I scramble over to look  inside a few of ones that
I could  get to.  I see  blankets and  bottles and
other  items that  make me  think somebody  was in
there at some point. But I don't know what to make
of all this.