22 - At home today.
[email protected]

I was inside my home  all day yesterday, and I did
not go  outside even a  little. It was my  turn to
use  the electricity,  so  I  was inside  charging
batteries,  lights  on,  being  warm,  stuff  like
that. And running the oven.  Bread, oat cakes - do
you eat those? Here are two good recipes I found:


Since my  family are no  more, I rattle  around in
here, and collect certain things. It is getting to
Christmas-time,  but I  never  took my  artificial
tree down from  last year, or the  the year before
that.  And now  I collect  other artificial  trees
whenever I find them thrown  away. Lots of those -
the elfs  and centaurs don't  give a crap  for the
christmas  trees in  the houses  they find.  Now I
have like twenty of them set up in here. Big ones,
narrow  ones,  little  mini  ones,  they  are  all
welcome here.  I sit in  my old blue chair  in the
middle of  my private fake forest.  But today with
lights!  That's  pretty okay. I can  sit and write
in my notebooks without a flashlight.

And I  have the big  old halloween ghost  thing in
the window that  my kids made years  ago. Why take
that down, it still looks  great. And there is the
collection of 244 boxes upstairs. Good ones: metal
ones with clasps, nice painted wooden jewel cases,
and some of those better-looking cardboard storage
boxes with the metal bits on the corners. Not sure
why I  collect them. There's just  something about
boxes. And trees, too.