8 - Goblins took my keyboard.
[email protected]

I was sorting out some piles in the entry way, and
I  left  the door  ajar.  It  never really  closes
properly  anymore, which  is a  story for  another
time. I  hear this scratching noise,  turn around,
and  spot a  goblin  hurrying out  the door  while
clutching  my blue  tooth  keyboard.  You left  my
sandwich  lying  right  there,  and  took  an  old
keyboard instead? Come on.

I  knew  it  was  probably  too  late  to  get  it
back. Those things are fast. What a drag. Old cell
phones are  easy to get, but  blue tooth keyboards
not  so much.  I guess  I am  back to  tapping the
on-screen keyboard again for sending my stuff.

I  follow  it  outside   anyways,  and  I  see  it
scrambling up the embankment.  And then this other
one pops out  from the trees and  starts giving it
chase.  The thief  takes  my  keyboard and  starts
beating  the other  goblin over  the head  with it
until  it  breaks  in  two, and  then  they  start
grappling.  And I'm  just standing  there watching
all this with my mouth hanging open, like what the
flying  duck, and  then I  go back  inside. A  few
minutes later I  come back out, and  one goblin is
dead, and the other is sitting there beside it and
pulling keys  off what's left of  my keyboard, and
eating them. Okay.

The  Dillers walk  by, holding  the hand  of their
toddler    grandson.     He    points     to    it
gleefully.  "Gobbin!  Gobbin!"  It spits  out  the
backspace key.

Raining again. I go inside.