3 - The old vans.
[email protected]

There's a  few vans  on Del's sister's  property a
few blocks away from where  I live. Vans and about
everything  else; one  of those  crowded cluttered
lots  where everything  is  saved  but nothing  is
used. The house was run  down even before the Olds
started  coming   back.  That   "rezoning  meeting
scheduled" sign  on the  weeds out front  makes me
smile, but not a happy one. But that house, wow. I
guess it's at least dry inside, in spots.

Anyways, the  vans. The  Dodge is my  favorite, it
has the  high roof and  the sofa-bed in  back, and
you can sit there for a bit if you clear away some
papers and  clothes and  wires and  whatever.  The
weatherstripping  is  still  reasonable,  and  the
motor still runs, and sometimes  we go in there to
warm up a bit, if  we find some gasoline to spare.
Can't go anywhere  with the worn-out transmission,
and the wheel bearings must  be shot by now too. I
tend  to hide  a few  things in  the vans  so they
aren't lying  out when  the centaurs  come around,
demanding  whatever stuff  they  decide they  like
that day.   I don't know  why they never  think of
going behind the house  to those vans.  They might
talk like us, but they aren't as smart as they say
they are. Not from what I can tell, at least. They
sure can kick hard, though. Just ask Del.