TITLE: An R function to fill abbreviated genus names in a list of
DATE: 2018-10-15
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

I had a list of species names written up by a colleague, but the
colleague had abbreviated subsequent adjacent instances of a genus
in the list to the first letter of the genus with a dot after it,
which is common in written prose, but is pretty daft in a dataset.

Instead of going through and manually writing in all the genus
names, I wrote a function in R to do it for me:

   fill.genus <- function(x, abbrev = "."){
       rel_enc <- rle(as.character(x))
       empty <- which(grepl("\\.", rel_enc$value))
       rel_enc$values[empty] <- rel_enc$value[empty-1]

So if the dataset looks like this:

   genus <- c("Tapiphyllum",

The output of fill.genus(genus) would look like:
