TITLE: Update on plant growth
DATE: 2018-09-24
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

While I was away over the summer I had to send my plants away to be
looked after by friends. Now I'm back in a new house and I'm pretty
impressed by how much they've grown, so I decided to try and take
some nice photos.

The Kalanchoe sp. has started growing little plantulitas with roots
which keep dropping off, they're very cute.



y spider plant was savaged slightly by a cat, but they're basically
immortal. The one I have now is a 4th generation cutting from the
original spider plant I collected from the Darwin Library at the
King's Buildings about 6 years ago.


y bromeliad is also doing well. It's become more chunky and has
started to develop that nice pale flakey coating on the leaves.
It's also a descendant of a previous plant, the mother now lives at
my parents' house and is still producing lots of babies


Finally, my little succulent, which I propagated from a leaf has
been growing, but very slowly. It seems to have a problem where it
gets little white spots on the leaf surface.
