TITLE: Grievances with email clients and the state of email usage
DATE: 2018-03-02
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

I've been getting interested about email and how it works, from
both a practical and conceptual point of view. I've been learning
about email clients, SMTP servers etc., but also how it developed
as a network for communication, using existing systems like the
postal service as a starting point. This post isn't going to be
about the history of email or how email servers operate, these
subjects can be explored in many other articles and books. Instead
it's about my own experiences with email, how I think the usage of
email has changed over the last 10 years, and how this has impacted
what features and standards which are expected from an email client
in 2017.

For about a year I used Alpine as my email client, linked to the
Gmail account which I am still unable to shed. During this year I
was not working in an office, I travelled a lot and rarely had to
exchange attachments. My emails were simple and ultimately I didn't
receive nearly as many of them as I do now, being back in an office
where I regularly share documents, get feedback on ideas, book
meetings, conduct group conservations over email etc..


Recently I switched back to using Apple's Mail.app, which is very
sad. I had three main reasons for doing this:

-   I find GUI email clients easier when handling attachments.
-   I often want to read back through emails, using them as an
archive of previous conversations that I can refer back to for
important information, and I found the search function of Alpine
difficult to use.
-   I never found a good solution to connect multiple email
addresses to Alpine.

ail.app operates really nicely in some respects. It has flags so I
can organise my emails by type, it has reasonable search functions
for finding keywords in email text, and it can manage multiple
email accounts, but other things are infuriating:

-   It requires lots of mouse clicks to accomplish simple tasks
-   It can be very slow, sometimes to the point of freezing and
requiring me to kill the application and start over
-   Its integration with Apple Contacts.app is pretty appalling,
with a very inconsistent method of storign contacts.
-   The contacts storing issue appears to extend into searching for
emails from a particular sender, often missing emails seemingly at

Basically, it's a big and clunky application for a task that I
don't believe should be particularly complicated. But then, I think
that in general email the email system has become big and clunky,
with many people using it for things I don't think it was ever
designed for, meaning that these things are often executed badly.

I always try to write my emails in plain text, but more and more I
am receiving emails in HTML or some other sort of rich text. At
first these were just from companies advertising things, but more
recently it's extended to emails within my department, advertising
a seminar or a conference. Now luckily these emails often come with
a plain text alternative, but not always. Really my gripe is that
it seems unnecessary to write a simple text based email with html

I often receive email attachments for online calendar services
(another topic with opinions) that Mail.app tries to integrate
directly into my calendar application, which rarely works as
planned, and given that people use so many different calendar and
email clients I think it's unlikely to work for all of them. I
would much rather add my own calendar events, based off an email
which contains words.