Ditching Linux

I read a  few articles about Ditching Linux[1] these  days and it was
funny  because I  just  wrote something  about it  in  french a  week
ago[2]. My main  problem was not systemd  - even if I spent  a lot of
time this week at trying to solve problems it created when I tried to
encrypt  my swap  partition  - problems  with  things apparently  not
linked to this - but systemd was the link.

In  a  way,  Archlinux  was   a  KISS  distribution  with  an  unique
rc.conf-like configuration  file for all services.  Systemd certainly
makes  packaging  easier, but  the  users  can  be nostalgic  of  the
pre-systemd golden age for its simplicity.

My main problem with Linux just now is more a mix of GPL attitude and
hostility to ZFS  filesystem - which I like really  deeply. As kernel
developpers tried  to convince  people not using ZFS  on Linux[3][4],
as  its  development  is  now  stalled  by Linux 5.5[5],  because  of
modifications against ZFS using, I am really close  to give up and to
put FreeBSD on all my desktops. I  use it on my server since a decade
and am very happy with it. On desktop, things are a little rough, but
I use  it on a Thinkpad  X220 since a year  and was surprised  to see
that a few tasks were even  more efficient than with the same machine
running Archlinux. But power and wifi management are clearly worse.

[1] gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/sparcipx/phlog/February_2020/02-08-20
[2] gopher://gopher.nappey.org:70/0/lunixite/zol-zfs-or-linux.txt
[3] https://www.realworldtech.com/forum/?threadid=189711&curpostid=189841
[4] https://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=154755919121284&w=2
[5] https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/9745