Just some unsorted projects I've worked on.

I bought an old T410 thinkpad off Ebay for about $100,
and it's been the most loyal and reliable machine I've
ever owned. It runs Void Linux and the i3 WM on a very
old 5400rpm and encrypted disk, so it's not the swiftest
experience out there, but I'm pretty sure it's impossible
to destroy at this point. A replacement battery means it
has pretty decent life to it, too. That battery occasionally
decides it's time to report critical battery life before
returning to normal operation. I still like it.

I bought an Odroid XU4 in 2018 and put Lakka on it, along
with a USB stick of games I had for years and years. There'
no wifi and no intended internet connection, and it boots
right into a controller-driven interface to play games
(lightly modified for personal aesthetics)!

Before that I took a Banana Pro SBC and made a wood-and-
plexiglass case to hold a 5" screen and the board itself.
It could run retroarch through the framebuffer and
even watch movies through it.

I'm currently remaking my ordinary website with Go and its
included http server library. It's nice to be able to
compile it down to one binary and transfer it to the server
it needs to be resting on.