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Title       :   Linux Containers
Author      :   Jonathan Robe
Date        :   12-11-2015
URL         :
Format      :   Markdown/HTML

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* * *

Enterprise-grade virtualisation on a real kernel.

While Linux containers have been around for a while, they've recently been
gaining more recognition as a lightweight alternative to traditional
virtualisation products like KVM or VMWare. With the arrival of LXC, Docker, and
the next generation of distributions, we're all likely to see a lot more of them
over the coming decade.

As with all virtualisation, the idea of containers is to make it easy to run
multiple applications on a single host, all the while ensuring each remains
separate. This enables the administrator to carefully manage the resources
assigned to each application and to ensure that they can't interfere with each

What makes containers different to traditional products is that they don't do
any hardware emulation. Instead, the applications in question all run directly
on top of the host kernel, just like any other process. Separation between the
running containers is achieved through the careful use of a number of Linux
kernel features.

Control Groups (`cgroups`) are the first of these features, and are probably the
best known. They provide a mean for administrators to group processes, and all
their future children, into hierarchical groups. Various subsystems can then be
used to strictly manage the processes and the resources they interact with.

### Control groups

If you have systemd installed, you can quickly inspect what cgroup your
processes are running in with the `ps` command:

   ps -aeo pid,cgroup,command

Running this, you should see that all processes are running in cgroups that
exist in a hierarchy below the systemd cgroup. You could use systemd unit files
to manage the resources assigned to a service (indeed, if you're using systemd,
this is probably the best way to use cgroups), but you can also interact with
cgroups directly, too.

There are a collection of tools available in the `libcgroup-tools` package,
including `cgcreate`, for example. You can use this tool to create a new cgroup
as follows:

   cgcreate -g memory,cpu:mysql

This will create a new cgroup called `mysql` which has been tied to the memory
and cpu subsystems. You can then take advantage of a command such as `cgset`, or
interact directly with the virtual filesystem exposed by cgroups, to manipulate
the resource limits of this newly created group:

   cgset -r swappiness=xxx /sys/fs/cgroups/memory/ mysql

This command will set the `swappiness` parameter of all processes running in the
`mysql` cgroup to `xxx`. To add a process to the cgroup, all you need to do is
echo its PID to the tasks file in the cgroup's filesystem or use the
`cgclassify` command.


Image 1: The highlighted area shows the cgroup in which the different processes
are running. As you can see, all are either in the systemd defaults of
`systemd:/user.slice` and `systemd:/system.slice`

### Namespace isolation

Namespace isolation is the other key technology that makes containers possible
on Linux. Each namespace wraps a particular system resource, and makes processes
running inside that namespace believe they have their own instance of that
resource. There are six namespaces in Linux:

 * mount: Isolates the filesystems visible to a group of processes, similar to the chroot command.
 * UTS: Isolates host and domain names so that each namespace can have its own. (UTS = Unix Time Sharing)
 * IPC: Isolates System V and POSIX message queue interprocess communication channels. (IPC = InterProcess Communication)
 * PID: Lets processes in different PID namespaces have the same PID. (This is useful in containers, as it lets each container have its own `init` (PID 1) and allows for easy migration between systems. ) (PID = Process ID)
 * network: Enables each network namespace to have its own view of the network stack, including network devices, IP addresses, routing tables etc.
 * user: Allows a process to have a different UID and GID inside a namespace to what it has outside.

A quick way to experiment with namespaces yourself is to use the `unshare`
command. This will run a particular program, removing its connection to a
particular namespace of its parent:

   sudo unshare -u /bin/bash

This will create a new bash process that doesn't share its parent UTS namespace.
If you now set the hostname to `foo`, you'll then be able to look, in another
shell on the same system, and see that the hostname in the root (original)
namespace hasn't changed.


Image 2: The output of this long listing in the `/sys/fs/cgroup` directory shows
all the different subsystems that are available for managing processes with
cgroups on a default Fedora 20 install.

### Linux containers

Now that you have an idea of what the underlying technologies do, let's take a
look at Linux Containers (`LXC`), a userspace interface that brings them
together. To install the LXC userspace tools, you need to install the `lxc`
package on Ubuntu and Fedora, but in the case of the latter, you should also
install `lxc-templates` and `lxc-extras` for a better experience.

Once that's done, creating a new container, depending on your requirements, can
be simple. In the `/usr/share/lxc/templates` directory, you'll find a collection
of scripts that will create some default containers, including `Debian`,
`Fedora` and `Ubuntu` system containers, and `sshd`, `BusyBox` and `Alpine`
application containers. To put one of these to use, all you need to do is run
the following command:

   lxc-create -n linux-voice -t /usr/share/lxc/templates/busybox --dir /home/jon/containers/linux-voice

 * `-n`: sets the name of the container.
 * `-t`: says which template you want to use.
 * `--dir`: says where you want the rootfs for the new container to be created.

This command creates a directory in `/var/lib/lxc` with the name set by the `-n`
flag. The contents of this directory are populated by the script specified with
the `-t` flag.

If you look at, say, the `BusyBox` template, you'll see that this script sets up
a filesystem hierarchy, copies appropriate binaries and installs important
pieces of configuration with `heredoc` statements. Inside the created directory,
you'll also find that a config file has been created. This defines which system
resources are to be isolated and controlled by the container.

The `man lxc.conf` command goes in to detail on what options can be put in this
file, but a few key examples will be helpful:

 * `lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares = 1234`: Sets the share of CPU that the container has.
 * `lxc.utsname = linux-voice`: Sets the hostname of the container.
 * `lxc.mount.entry = /lib/home/jon/containers/busybox/lib`: Specifies directories on the host filesystem that should be mounted in the container.

This configuration file means you can apply the existing templates in quite
flexible ways, but if you really want to create a custom container, you're going
to have to set to work creating your own template script.

As the LXC man page says, creating a system container is paradoxically easier
than creating an application container.

In the latter case, you have to start by figuring out which resources you want
to isolate from the rest of the system, and then figure out how to populate the
appropriate parts of the file system etc. In the former case, you simply isolate
everything, much simpler.

Once you've created your container with `lxc-create` and modified the config
file as you see fit, you can start it with the `lxc-start` command, use `lxc-
console` to get a console in it, and shut it down with `lxc-shutdown`.

While cgroups and namespaces have reached a degree of maturity in Linux, the
user experience still has some room for improvement. If you found the `lxc-
commands` tricky to use, you might want to install `libvirt-sandbox`, which will
provide a set of scripts and extensions for using LXC through the familiar
`libvirt` tools.



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