This is a text-only version of the following page on
Title       :   Selling my own GPL software part 3, prior art (existing GPL software for sale)
Author      :   Remy van Elst
Date        :   24-04-2022
URL         :
Format      :   Markdown/HTML

In my earlier posts I described the hurdles I faced with my plan to [sell my own](/s/blog/Selling_GPL_Software_part_1_lots_of_hurdles.html) GPL software and I described how to [embed the source code directly inside the app] (/s/articles/Embed_the_source_code_directly_in_your_Qt_app.html) (for mobile platforms). This post looks at a few other projects that sell GPL software and it's a bit of a progress update regarding my plans and software.

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This is part 3 in my series on selling GPL software. You can find
the other parts here:

- [Part 1: Selling my own GPL software, part 1: a lot of hurdles](
- [Part 2: Embed the source code directly in your Qt app with qmake and qrc, for GPL compliance](
- [Part 3: Existing GPL software for sale](

### Recap & progress update

I'm planning to sell my own open source software. I've decided I don't want to
make a profit, just cover the running (hosting and a Qt license) cost, which
lifts a lot of the business problems. In The Netherlands, there are a few
rules which classify when you are a business, and making a profit is one of
them, so by not doing that, I'm excluded from all the privacy hurdles that
you have when you have a business (public records related). If I get any
sales, I'll remove the price (or lower it significantly) once the cost
for that year is covered.

The [first post][2] in this series got [a lot of comments on HN][1] and I
received about 30 emails with advice and general licensing discussion.

The [second post][3], describes a solution to a licensing issue, namely,
embedding the source directly in the app itself. If I sell via my own site, I
can send the user the source code (or provide it for download). On mobile
app stores, I cannot directly interact with the users, so by embedding the
code in the app itself, they still get access, without me having to make the
code public. I'm not sure if app stores accept that, but I'll figure that out
soon enough in the review process of the Play Store.

Do I expect to sell a lot? Probably not, but I've set the target to 5 sales a
year The running costs are not covered with 5 sales, but it's a nice target
to start with.

Now a progress update. [The website][4] is set up, payment provider
integrated, Linux AppImage build script works, Windows installer also done.
Even the static compile of Qt with automated builds works. So, most
of my [checklist][2] is done. Android and a new version check are the
major things left to do. You can check out [the site][4], please
send me comments, feedback and your thoughts via email (see the about page
for my email address).

Enough with the recap, let's start by looking at prior art.

### Existing GPL software for sale

As described in the [previous post][2], it's fine to sell GPL
software as long as you meet the license demands. I've written
[a summary here][5], and this post will cover a few examples
I found online including how they differ from my approach.

I'm skipping over all companies that make their source available but
sell support or consulting, like Red Hat. If you know of any more
projects like below, please let me know. I'll add them to this page.

#### Fritzing

Quoting Wikipedia:

> Fritzing is an open-source initiative to develop amateur or hobby CAD
 software for the design of electronics hardware, to support designers and
 artists ready to move from experimenting with a prototype to building a
 more permanent circuit. It was developed at the University of Applied
 Sciences Potsdam. Fritzing is free software under the GPL 3.0 or later
 license, with the source code available gratis on GitHub and the binaries
 at a monetary cost, which is allowed by the GPL.

I use Fritzing myself for a few schematics and as an easy prototyping tool,
lower barrier to entry than KiCad and it's more visual to discuss a colorful
example board with non-technical co-workers than a PCB design.

The [download page][7] states:

> We are asking you to pay EUR 8 (around USD 10) for downloading the
 application. This way we can ensure future releases, bug fixes and


There is a choice for price, EUR 8 or EUR 25 and a checkbox for business
customers. The version (installers) you get is the same, no matter the price
or business-checkbox. I paid EUR 8 for the installers recently.

If you do not want to pay for a convenient installer, Fritzing
[provide detailed][8] instructions on compiling from source.

#### Textual

Textual is an IRC client for OS X, a fork of LimeChat (another IRC client for
Mac). LimeChat itself is (now) GPL, but back in 2010 when the fork happened,
it was a BSD style license. Textual has a different license, sort of MIT/BSD

![textual price][9]

I've used Textual back in 2013/2015 when I daily drove a MacBook for work,
nice piece of software. They [provide build instructions][10] and the source
code. Pricing for the convenience version is USD 7,99, both Mac App Store as
via their site, no other pricing options or business checkbox.

#### Elementary OS

Elementary OS is a Ubuntu derivative Linux distribution. They offer a few apps
written in Vala and [link to all sources here][11].


The payment page has USD 20 as the default option, but with a free-fill text
field. You can enter 0 as the amount, then the blue button text will change
from Buy to Download.

There have been [recent issues][13] over at Elementary regarding founders and
funding. I've never used Elementary myself.

#### Ardour

In [the HN thread][1], the creator of Ardour chimed in regarding the topic of
selling GPL software. Ardour is a digital audio workstation, I have no
experience with it, but have heard of it.

![ardour download][14]

The payment page does not allow 0 to be filled in, 1 is the minimum. The
default is USD 30. The page further says:

> We ask that you pay about the cost of an average restaurant meal for two
 people in your country (which for a country without cost-of-living data is
 about US$30).

> If you choose to pay less than US$45, you will get the current version and
 updates (e.g. buy version 6.0, get access to 6.1, 6.2, etc. but not 7.0).
 If you choose to pay US$45 or more: get the current version, updates and
 the next major version, plus access to nightly (development) builds.

No documentation on building is provided. Quoting the [ardour faq][15]:

> If you don't want to pay for a ready-to-run version, then you'll need to get
 the source code and build it yourself. We do not provide assistance with
 this process and particularly on Windows and macOS this can be challenging
 and take a long time. Also, for Windows, there are no instructions.

The source code is over on [github][16], but without any instructions.


Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client, a mobile messaging app.
This example was given over at [][19] by Stephen Paul Weber
(singpolyma). I had never heard of the app before, but it looks interesting,
given it has end to end encrypted video and audio calls.


Price is EUR 3,49 in the google play store, no desktop version
is available. The [README][20] has build instructions and a
boatload of help regarding setup and server features.

There even seems to be a [free F-Droid version][21] available.

### I'm going to do things a bit different

The example's I listed are diverse in purpose, price, defaults and
documentation. Either full build instructions are provided,
minimal instructions or just a repository with source code. Some
projects allow you to choose the price and some even allow 0 as a
price (free).

In any case, the GPL demands are met, source is available. You pay
for the convenience of not having to compile the software

What all cases have in common however, is that the source
code is available. You do not need to pay to get it. I'm
planning to send the code only to people who have paid.

This includes functionality inside the binary to export the
source code which built the app. Whenever you download the app
from the [official site][4], you get the source right away,
as well as the binaries. On mobile app stores however, I cannot
send users a zip with the source and other binaries, so the
app itself can [export the source code][3] that was used
to build it:

![export source][17]

[2]: /s/blog/Selling_GPL_Software_part_1_lots_of_hurdles.html
[3]: /s/articles/Embed_the_source_code_directly_in_your_Qt_app.html
[6]: /s/inc/img/fritzing.png
[9]: /s/inc/img/textual.png
[12]: /s/inc/img/elementary.png
[14]: /s/inc/img/ardour.png
[17]: /s/inc/img/leafnodesource.gif
[18]: /s/inc/img/conversations.png


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   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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