Well, I did move over to a different server and tried to
make the two-service situation work. Sadly, Citadel ended
up not being very resilient as a web content manager, so
I brought back TWiki, which took the coveted spot of
secure HTTP server.  There is a signpost page at HTTP and
there are pointers to other things on the server.

Since Pygopherd can serve both HTTP and Gopher protocols,
I have assigned HTTP to be basically a web interface into
my little section of the Gophersphere. As a result, I took
out gopher links to other gopher servers from the top menu
for now. I will likely put in a gopher links directory
(which is pretty traditional) in a little while to provide
links to some of my favorite gopher servers.

I have also put in links to my Citadel BBS server, which
will now do the duty of providing my more dynamic content
over HTTPS.

This combination of pygopherd and Citadel are pretty much
replacing all of my Internet presence going forward. I
imagine the Google stuff will stay up, but with links to
Pygopherd and Citadel as time moves along.

I won't discount that I might still make changes! I am
always ripping and tearing and trying interesting things!