Hanukkah Season Opens!
I missed the beginning of Hanukkah yet again.<p>
My connection to Judaism is rather on the light side, as it is through my paternal line and Jewish ethnicity runs through maternal lines (as far as Jews define such). so I suppose I simply have a Jewish heritage. I could always blame my Kohen forefathers for marrying gentile girls, but what can be done at this point - things are as they are...
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My oldest daughter has really been into her Jewish heritage when she was younger. She even got reasonably conversant in Hebrew and, thanks to the Internet, had a chance to use her ability!<p>
My mother (you know, "the gentile") is so nice about bringing up my father's family background, even after being divorced for about thirty years and she brought over a paper menorah as part of a lesson she was giving for <a href="http://www.lds.org/topics/family-home-evening" target="_blank">Family Home Evening</a>. The interesting part was that I was searching on the 'net for LED menorahs just before she started her lesson! &nbsp;Coincidence? &nbsp;I think not! The paper one is up in the window for the world to see, but I hope to get a much better electric version for next year.<p>
I found some really neat kits for LED menorahs from EvilMadScience.com. &nbsp;The first is <a href="http://evilmadscience.com/productsmenu/tinykitlist/44-menorah" target="_blank">a "deluxe" version</a> that looks a bit tacky to me, but I really like the minimalism of their&nbsp;<a href="http://evilmadscience.com/component/content/article/155" target="_blank">LED Mini Menorah Soldering Kit</a>, as it is a bit more difficult to make, looks more techy, and shakes out the casual sorts.<p>
Anyway, have a Happy Hanukkah from one of those totally un-Jewish Nemrow Kohens!<p>