What's the oldest piece of technology you still use regularly?
Hello all!

I got really interested in vintage tech lately, and I'd love to
know what kind of older stuff people still use, and how they use it
and why. You can interpret 'tech' as strictly or as broadly as you
choose, I'm not necessarily talking only about computing but any
kind of technology that most people would consider obsolete.

I recently bought an old laptop (a 2006 ThinkPad). I bought it on a
whim out of nostalgia for those times when computing was new and
full of potential and not yet completely taken over by
corporations, but I was surprised at how usable it still is with
the right software. I made it a challenge to upgrade it myslef and
to see how much I could do with this limited hardware, and the
constraints make me a lot more mindful of what I run on it and what
kind of websites and content I access. I find myself using it more
often than my main modern laptop, and I'm having a lot of fun.

I guess the oldest piece of tech I use regularly is my wristwatch.
It's from the late 80s (in fact, it was manufactured in the same
month and year that I was born), and it's one of the first analog
quartz chronographs models, so it was pretty high-tech back in the
day, and built to last. It's also a lot smaller than most modern
chronograph watches, which aren't friendly for us twig-wristed

I've given away some older computers, gadgets and consoles back in
the day and now I wish I still had them (but I gave them away to
people who couldn't afford them so that's good). I wish I'd kept a
classic iPod, though, I miss that one a lot.

What about you, what kind of older stuff still has a place in your