Title:  Weird Things
Date:  20200101
Tags:  me

1. I hate popcorn.  It's styrofoam with bits of plastic in it.  The butter and
salt are nice, but I'd rather have them on anything else.

2. My thermostat is set at 58F.  And I hate the cold.

3. I love old things.  I'm more impressed by how something worked and that it
still works than with fancy new features.

4. I am not a Democrat.

5. I had social phobia until my mid/late 20's.  High school was not a good time.
College wasn't much better.

6. I had long hair for about 15 years.  Longest was down to my waist.

7. I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning.  No matter how much
sleep I've gotten.

8. I started losing my hair in my early 20's.

9. I am not a Republican.

10. I have no interest in traditions.  Holidays, birthdays, other milestones and
associated activities seem arbitrary to me.

11. I hate cooked fruit.  It turns into an overly sweet gob of goo.  No banana
pancakes, blueberry muffins, or pie.

12. I have a hard time going to bed at night.  I always get into something right
before bed time.  Sometimes a phlog post.

13. I love plain pasta.  No sauce.  Usually with cheese, though.

14. If I have a salad, I don't put any dressing on it.

15. I hate dressing up.  Some people think it's fun once in a while.  I went to
private schools and wore a shirt and tie my whole childhood.  I'm done.

16. I will cry during a movie/book/series.  Over sadness or joy.

17. My eyes will water from almost anything.  Sneezing, yawning, cold wind, just
thinking about if I ever had to wear contacts or just writing that down, smiling
hard or laughing.

18. I enjoy learning about other people.

19. I have a hard time talking about myself.