Title: Updates
Date: October 08, 2018
Tags: website me

So after a year, I have made some updates to the site and other things.

I haven't made a post for a year because I never feel like I have anything
worthy of writing up.  I haven't really dug into anything to an extent that
others would care about.  That's my feeling anyway.  I don't want to be one of
those people documenting every second of their life thinking I'm so important.

A co-worker who is also a self-deprecating blogger said I should lower my bar.
He feels his own posts are underwhelming even though he is actually building
stuff and learning obscure things.  So maybe I am my own worst critic, as is
often the case.  On the other hand, I get very busy with work and either don't
do anything interesting for long stretches or the stuff I am doing (at work) I
just get figured out and move on from and don't really formulate anything blog
worthy from it.

The conversation made me motivated enough to at least touch the blog.  I added
CSS for a more mobile/reader friendly site and it still looks the same in
links[0].  Hey, I learned website design and HTML in the late 90's and never
learned anything more after that so CSS is a big step.  I am not a huge fan of
the narrow column look so I may still tweak things a bit.

I also tweaked by makefile that generates the site with sblg to make posting a
little cleaner.  I still have some more changes there to add but won't be as big
a deal unless I start posting a lot more.

In other news.  CopperheadOS blew up so I have nothing more to write about on
that.  I am probably moving to RattlesnakeOS[1] which is AOSP plus some of the
Copperhead security improvements.  I thought about just going back to stock, but
I don't really want to go back to a Googlified phone.

So I don't know.  Maybe I'll blog more about simple things no one cares about
and not worry about it.  Who's reading this now anyway?  It's just a matter of
choosing to spend my time on it.

[0] http://links.twibright.com/
[1] https://github.com/dan-v/rattlesnakeos-stack