
--[ Ansible no more, moved all services to containers.

As the title, I have abandoned Ansible in favor of containers. My setup
still uses Terraform to deploy and configure Hetzner Cloud as always,
but I have updated the cloud-init bootstrap to install Docker instead.
I then deploy my infrastructure via Docker Compose. To make it easier to
understand, you can check out the code in my infrastructure repository:

       git clone https://git.sr.ht/~jayscott/infrastructure

Ansible was becoming a pain to work with, from being overly complicated
for running a few services to breaking due to issues with Python
dependencies. Let's also not mention all the drama surrounding the
direction Red Hat has taken in recent years. I fancied a change.

I also took the opportunity to write my own fingerd daemon in Go as
a good way to learn more. I am going to put more effort into this over
the coming weeks, it might be worthy of a separate phlog. In the
meantime, you can check it out here:

       git  : git clone https://git.sr.ht/~jayscott/fingered
       http : https://git.sr.ht/~jayscott/fingered
       live : echo | nc jay.scot 79