
--[ A true cheap dumbphone, impossible?

I have been on the lookout of a truly cheap dumb phone but trying to
find that sweet spot just isn't happening. I just want to call and get
SMS - that's it.

The Lightphone 2 [0] looks ideal at first glance, nice and simple.
However, digging into it a bit more I see the following possible issues
for my use case:

       It's expensive, around £350 ($402) when you include import tax.
       Linked to some sort of central login platform.
       From installing apps to first-time boot a "Light Account" is needed.

Another one that's looks good is the Mudita Pure Phone [2], they even
have an open source OS running it called MuditaOS. The massive downside,
it's nearly £340 ($385). Crazy prices if you ask me!

What I am using currently is an old Nokia 2.3 with Unlauncher [3]
running, cost was around £60 ($75) 2 years ago. I really wish there was
a cheap and truly dumbphone out there..

0. https://thelightphone.com
1. https://mudita.com/products/phones/mudita-pure
2. https://jkuester.github.io/unlauncher