Thursday, September 24th, 2020

Phlog HTTP(s) mirror

Couple of days ago I created a small personal homepage for myself
on one of the remote machines, I had account on. I always said,
that when there is a public_html folder, it should contain something.
This one didn't for at least ten years, so now it does. [1]

I tried to keep it very simple, in fact there is nothing more, than
what RFC 1866 specified (1866 was bad as a year, but good as a RFC).
Content will ocassionaly grow, I intend to write more about both my
passion for unix-based systems as well as for Sinclair computers.

The gopher part in the bottom of the page on the other hand is as
complete as I intended it to be. And that's what brings me to the
point of this phlog post: After nine years of having the phlog
content available via gopher only, I decided to create a HTTP(s)
mirror and why not on this machine?

Posts are synchronized via rsync once a day, which is far more
frequent than my posting is. But at least it's another backup,
on another machine, in different geographic location. So, why not?

PS: I also decided not to format the text to be justified on
both sides as it IMO really isn't worth the effort.
