Wednesday, December 12th, 2018

       I'm gonna break things

I  have  quite a few  plans for my  gopherhole in the que for 2019 and
sometimes you have to break   something old to make something new. But
don't worry, it won't be that bad.

I'd like to make things here more filesystem-oriented. And as there is
nothing  worse than badly  designed  filesystem tree, my  changes will
start just  there: I  decided to drop the /en prefix the  English menu
items  on this server had for years.  Most of people come here for the
English content  and so  it makes no  sense to make paths three  bytes
longer for them. The Czech content  however will stay in /cz,  because
the audience is much  smaller  and I take it as a  single  block.  I'm
even thinking about removing the  Czech items from the  top-level menu
and putting them  together in submenu  accessible via single top-level
menu item. That  won't  break  the  current  direct  links,  but  will
clean the top-level menu,  making it  possible to fit it in the single
80x25 terminal screen even with the planned new additions.

Second  major  change will be in my  phlog. I'd like to  return to the
original  single-post-per-file,  all-files-in-one-directory mode. Even
if I  published  with the same  frequency  until the day I die,  there
won't much more than a  thousand  files in that  folder. With some 100
bytes per   menu  item, my  phlog menu  will be in  2060  smaller than
average  stylesheet of average  webpage is today. But with proper file
naming it will be much better searchable with  Veronica-2, which is my
ultimate goal.

And  that's all on the  breaking  side of  changes. It will be made on
2019/01/01, but Bongusta! and DistroWatch News will be symliked to the
old location for couple of months, there will be warning in their maps
with a new URL and  symlinks will be removed only after I see in logs,
that people don't use them anymore. In fact,  the /en has already been
removed  from all maps and it's just  a symlink for those,  who linked
parts of my gopherhole directly.  So if you read this text, the chance
is, that everything works as it should.