Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

       Bongusta! turns 40

Well, Bongusta! itself is just ten months old (and my whole humble go-
pherhole recently celebrated 7 years of operation), but now it  aggre-
gates  exactly  forty  phlogs. In summer 2018 I certainly didn't think
that it will ever reach this number as there for  sure  weren't  forty
more-or-less  active  phlogs.  In fact there aren't forty more-or-less
active phlogs right now - there is more than that - I have some  other
in  the queue and if they will keep their good work at least until Ju-
ly, they will be added in the list.

Note: The lucky 40th phlog is Ymodem.org, congratulations!

From other news: there is a new menu item in top-level menu of my  go-
pherhole. It's called ASCII table as a tribute to Andy Weir's book The
Martian and it will contain various computing-related textfiles. Right
the moment there is just ASCII table and several versions of the infa-
mous Jargon File. Other files will follow, both technical (instruction
sets,  etc.)  and  historical  (computer  history, hacking subculture,
..). Many of these are available elsewhere, but the more backups, the