Thu Feb 11 22:07:55 1982
VHS vs. Beta
I own a VHS system (RCA) and like it a whole bunch. (VFP170 portable)
I also note, that the movie rental business thrives on the
VHS market because MANY more movies are distributed in VHS than any
other format. I agree with Scott Hankin that both format appear quite
good and the primary factor is compatibility with ... (other machines
you may own, friend's machines, or existing tapes).

Question: I have a hp2621 terminal running next to my tv. Needless to
say, the tv gets RF interference. When i touch the 300 ohm antenna
leads the interference is almost eliminated. (Apparently, i am
a good filter). Does anyone know how i can translate my bodily
filtering capabilities into a device to mount between one antenna
lead and a ground?

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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