Fri Jan  1 01:46:58 1982
Holiday Blues Fable
   This is only an hypothesis but I believe I can see a reason for
a high suicide rate during the month of April which closely
parallels the 'Holiday Blues Fable'.  The 'fable' claims that
suicides are likely to occur during the December holiday season
because people already very depressed feel much self pity at not
being able to share in the joyous holiday season.   Note however the
holidays are only 4 weeks in anticipation (from Thanksgiving to
Christmas) and only 1 week in reality (Christmas to New Years). Even
the most clinically depressed person should find some
rationalization for out lasting 5 weeks.

   April,  is typically when the weather starts becoming nice. With
clearing skys people begin to looking forward to  summer with its
associated trips to the beach, vacations, etc. Unlike the holiday
season, it is 3 months in anticipation  and 3 months in reality. The
prospect of living through half a year's worth of depressions while
others are are enjoying the sunshine might well push many over the
breaking point.

   Again this is just an hypothesis but is does seem plausible
given the durability of the 'Holiday Fable'.  Has anyone heard of
any other possible causes (similar of different) for the increased
suicide rate during April?

                                       Steven B. Goldsmith

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