Thu Apr  8 16:51:05 1982
Unmentioned difficulty on Mission 1
Reply-to: JNC@MIT-XX
       From Av Week (April 5, p 19, article about reentry test data):

       "At this point in the entry, Lousma flew Columbia manually
into an 80 deg right bank to establish the spacecraft on its roll
reversal schedule. He flew a manual maneuver to maintain a 3 deg/sec
roll rate, compared with 5 deg for the automatic system. The auto roll
rate caused a bank overshoot and roll oscillation at this point on
MIssion 1."

       Does anyone remembver hearing about this before? It sounds pretty
tame, they way the put it, but that 'roll oscillation' at Mach 24 and
254,000 feet on re-entry must have been pretty wild.

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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