Mon Dec 14 21:25:14 1981
Northeast Storms
Yet ANOTHER storm is heading for the Northeast mountains!
Monday night, snow will be moderate to heavy most of the night
with a change over to rain along the southern coast of New England.
Snow depths by morning in the interior sections are expected to be at least
6".  Presently, at 9 pm, i see 2 inches of new snow (it's only been snowing
since 7 pm).  At this rate, there could be easily a foot of snow by
morning.  At any rate, the weather*persons* are watching for another
nor'easter for Tuesday night.

I was at Pico Peak, Vt. last Saturday.  They had two 1 footer storms
in the past week.  They'll easily get another foot (at least) by this
Wednesday.  Skiing was (and should continue to be) fabulous!

At second glance, there is closer to 3" (new) on the ground.


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