Wed Apr 21 09:27:23 1982
Migration Underway
Things are more or less on schedule at Point Pelee. The last two cold snaps
we had didn't last very long; retreating migrants were quick to return.
By April 17, Pelee had 16 (yes, sixteen) species of warblers. Other Pelee
sightings: Grasshopper Sparrow (April 13--it set a record), Scarlet Tanager
and Marbled Godwit.

Here are some arrivals for other parts of the province: Red-throated Loon,
Double Crested Cormorant, Virginia Rail, Sora, all the swallows (barn, tree,
rough-winged, bank and purple martin), both Kinglets, Yellow-rumped and
Pine Warblers, Water Pipit, Brown Thrasher, Wood Thrush, Hermit Thrush,
Eastern Phoebe, Grasshopper and White-throated Sparrows.

Unusual sightings: Smew, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Merlin.

       (Much of the above was gleaned from a birding column in
       the Globe and Mail.)

I sent a note about Pileated Woodpeckers, some Ontario sightings and a
query regarding interest in migration at Pelee. I am wondering if that
item made it through. Has anybody seen it?

I am trying to get some information of Alvars. Does anybody out there
know anything about them? In case I am using the wrong term, an Alvar
is an area of very thin soil over limestone; the vegetation growing there
is scant and peculiar.

       Andy Rubaszek

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