Mon May 3 19:17:09 1982
Is anything making it in from the ArpaNet??

UUCP Folk -

       I have never heard the resolution of the Berkeley UUCP shutdown.
(Not to be confused with the latest Berknet reconfiguration).  Is
the full set of ArpaNet Digests making it into netnews?  I know that
Berkeley seems to be transmitting personal mail, but...

       The reason I ask this is because my machine (BRL-BMD) sits
on both the ArpaNet and on UUCP net;  I can send digests INTO the
UUCP net from the ArpaNet, but I can not carry any personal traffic
either way (sorry) unless the destination is ON our machine.
(Sorry folks, dems dah rules).

gopher://quux.org/ conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>
of http://communication.ucsd.edu/A-News/

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