Mon Apr 12 21:55:02 1982
How do you read news?
How do you read net-news?

I am interested in what sorts of terminals people are using to read  news  and
how fast they are running them.

Whether the terminal is a vt-100 or a Hazeltine 1500 is not of particular  in-
terest.   I'm  looking  for  the  general  categories of hardcopy, crt, brain-
damaged, dumb, quasi-intelligent, intelligent, and gifted.  I would also  like
to know what size screen is being used - good old 24x80, or something else.

And how fast do you run your terminal?

It would be ideal if one person on each system would  accumulate  these  stats
and  mail  them  to  me,  but  that  is  probably too much to expect.  Anyway,
responses to me via mail.  I will distill whatever I get and put  it  back  on
the net.

If you use some other method of reading the news (like printing  it  and  then
reading it at your leisure), I would be interested in that also.

       Ray Essick

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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