Thu Feb 18 15:30:23 1982
reducing costs
The E files of course would NOT need to mention a file for standard input,
or would rather have a special code to indicate that the input on this
execution is inside the E file.  The format would thus not be as shown.
Compaction is a good idea.  Do all sites have a common dictionary?  if they
do, articles could be composed of huffman encoded indexes into the dictionary
(a damn fine way of compacting text anyway)  Savings would be tremendous.  Unless
I miss my guess, net traffic might reduce to 1/3 if done right.  That is a
lot of bucks.  If anybody out there is on a commercial site that supports
news with management approval, they could easily convince management to
have a programmer spend a little time on it since it would pay for the time
quite quickly.
Perhaps uuxqt could be altered to include a facility so that each uuxqt job
calls some other process when it is finished.  Thus if rnews actually
bunches together files to be sent off, the actual sending could be done
by a process initiated at the termination of the uuxqt.  This would make
sense in general, anyway.

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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Bruce Jones, Henry Spencer, David Wiseman.