Thu Feb  4 23:23:02 1982
Display Readnews Program?
Has anyone given any thought to writing a replacement for readnews
that uses a video terminal effectively?  What I would very much like
to see when I read the news is a menu display of categories that have new
items, allowing me to peruse them in random order.  When a category
is entered, a new menu, this time showing the items themselves,
would be shown.

When reading news on a 9600 baud terminal, I find that the time taken
to spawn a new process (e.g., page) is often greater than the time
necessary to fill a screen.  A set of EMACS macros could probably be
written to do this job, but they would probably be pretty slow;
any custom "display readnews" should do its own screen management.

Any ideas or projects-in-progress out there?

Phil Karn
Bell Labs Indian Hill

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