Wed Jan 20 22:22:55 1982
Marketing research
Re: Marty Shannon's objections to the Unix/Decnet enquiry

Decvax's or any other Usenet node's resposibility lies only in that they
do not transfer illegal (obscene) or unwanted data over the phone lines into
another site's machine. If Duke is willing to receive a marketing research
form, then "Usenet" has no say about that. If mhtsa is not so willing,
decvax's only responsibility is to not thwart mhtsa's refusal of the item.
I see no legal problems except those internal to an organization
concerning whether or not they should accept such news.

I will agree there is a difference between news items and marketing or
advertising. A note such as
       Yes, Scribe is available for Unix from Scribble, Inc.
is much different from a 3-screen Buy Now & Save ad,
but \neither is illegal/. Historically, the users of Usenet have felt
the latter to be less desirable.

Suppose we had a group "" for advertisements?
Aside from the not-another-newsgroup flames, if sites were
interested in what was submitted, what is your objection?
In fact, we would only run into legality questions if we figured
out a way to charge for such submissions! \Then/ we would finally
have to address the question of where to draw the line between
private vs commercial.

                       James Ellis (mcnc!jte)

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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