Wed Dec 23 09:30:52 1981
How Can We Force Access-by-Exact-Name Newsgroups?
I figured net.jokes.q would be a nice way to keep questionable
jokes out of the way of people of good moral fiber.  It isn't exactly
working in a general way.  How about q.all newsgroups?  I'm not just
suggesting this to encourage folks to put more and different kinds
of questionable stuff on the net...  Maybe netnews could be fixed so
that you would have to specify a root name in order to get the newsgroup,
"all" and "all.all" would be meaningless, you'd have to say "net.all,"
"fa.all," etc.  That way people would have to ASK for q.* to get
questionable newsgroups.

I think net.jokes.q is worthwhile.  Though I don't enjoy every entry,
I have enjoyed many of them.  If there is a problem with questionable
humor, it lies in the sentiments themselves, not in the transmission of
them over the net (which is a pretty inert activity in itself).

Back to Access-by-Exact-Name newsgroups... I know that many of us
enjoy the luxury of subscribing to all.  By disallowing "all" in the
first field, you are not really missing new newsgroups unless they are
radically different, new newsgroups should be reported in net.general
(how about  You can still subscribe to net.all, etc.
Whaddya say?
       Andy Tannenbaum
       BTL Whippany, NJ

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