Mon Dec 21 10:45:47 1981
This is to clarify a point which should have obvious to anyone who
can read and/or think (and exercises either ability...).

(1)  Derogatory ethnic and religious STEREOTYPES are often HARMFUL, not
    to mention OFFENSIVE, to members of ethnic and religious groups,
    and to many others.  (I hope that at least this much is obvious).

(2)  Given (1), it follows that anything which serves to reinforce or
    otherwise perpetuate these stereotypes can be extremely offensive, and
    possibly harmful, to the above mentioned people.

That is ONE reason many people object to jokes which ``attack'' derogatory
stereotypes, even when they are told by people who are clearly not racist.
Looked at in this light there is an obvious difference between an ethnic
telling ethnic jokes to family and friends, and this same person spreading
them all over the country on a computer network--it is not ``alright''
simply because of the ethnicity of the teller!

The real world is sure full of all types, are there actually ``moral''
or ``christian'' people who find ethnic jokes LESS offensive than
dead-baby jokes?!
The best joke in =s.q is the first, (b and w and red all over), which relies
on its deft use of the absurd-thanks Matt!  (now I've left myself wide open
to counter-attack!)

gopher://quux.org/ conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>
of http://communication.ucsd.edu/A-News/

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