Sun Dec 20 23:37:54 1981
Regarding the State of Illinois and morals
Citing moral correctness as the basis for actions (especially repressive
ones) used to be the province of the ultra-conservatives, but I understand
the Polish government is now doing it too...

I keep hoping that this discussion over censoring what seem to be fairly
benign jokes is simply an indication of pre-holiday boredom rather than
the proof that CRT radiation rots the brain!  Seriously folks, there are
people out there being killed because it's politically convenient, others
are dying from hunger because feeding them might cut into some rich person's
profits, etc.  Yet we're here getting all worked up over whether the concept
of the expired infant is appropriate in the "joke" art form!  I guess any
topic can suffice to shield the "civilized" person from the real problems
of human society...

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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