Tue Apr 27 00:32:48 1982
Re: net.mucords
I may be way off base here, but I suspect that things would be better
broken down by kind of "music," rather than the medium which brings it
to you.  I'm sure there are plenty of folks who are only interested
in "classical" music, only interested in "folk" music, only interested
in "rock", only interested in "jazz", or <ADD CLASSIFICATION YOUR FAVORITE OWN>, or in some proper subset of all of those.  Anyone interested
mostly in jazz is probably equally interested in the theorey/history/literature
of jazz, live performances, records, radio, and so on.  So how about a
more rational reorganization {,net.records} => {,,,<WHATEVER>}.  Those rare instances
which are pan-classification (e.g. something about a new recording
technology) could go into the top-level, and most things into
a more appropriate cubby-hole.  And there's certainly nothing to keep
those of us interested from reading all the music groups.

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