Sun Mar  7 22:19:26 1982
Despite the "rash of bug reports" about the newly released B news, I fear
the reports of its illness are greatly exaggerated.  It's been doing fine,
and is indeed a healthy bouncing baby. (I should know, I live in Utah!) The
bugs I've seen reported have been relatively minor or tangential.  If you
are running the "old" A news (originally on a 2.8 tape) as we were, convert
immediately!  This is a vast improvement-- for one thing, you'll have some
cpu left over to do some work.  Also, I haven't noticed any problems with
garbaged .newsrc's from backing up, evidently one of the continuing problems
with "gamma" B news.
       Jay Lepreau, Univ of Utah

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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