Sat Jan 16 19:29:15 1982
What Happens When...
Eventually, the number of current groups will exceed the LINES
#def in beta-news.  I noticed this past week that the number of
lines in our active file (yes, I do know that LINES refers to .newsrc,
not active, which is even worse, since .newsrc can have more
lines than active) jumped from the 80's to almost 100.  When I
put news b up on alice back in Nov., we only had about 25!
Our LINES is set now to 256, but sooner or later, it will exceed
system limits to raise it any higher, and then what happens?
Some plan ought to be thought up BEFORE systems start experiencing
this rather than after!

gopher://quux.org/ conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>
of http://communication.ucsd.edu/A-News/

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