Mon Apr 19 15:10:42 1982
Request for data
This may be a "redundant" request, but could anyone out there please send me
a list of references on the following personal computers:  Osborne, IBM,
Apple (II/III), VIC-20.  I'm not looking for a whole schpiel (?) on each of
these, but I am seeking info on how useful these machines would be for
1) my own systems software development, 2) music generation and/or control
of other analog/digital sound synthesis equipment.  I've found the internal
sound synthesizers on machines I've seen thus far (ATARI) to be trivial and
pretty useless for "serious" sound synthesis.  Please mail any info you've
got to the address below. Thanx.
                                       Rich Rosen pyuxjj!rlr
(pyuxjj is available on most of the following machines: mhux*, houx*)

gopher://quux.org/ conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>
of http://communication.ucsd.edu/A-News/

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