Thu Mar 11 13:27:56 1982
dealing with aurally obnoxious neighbors
The recent articles about dealing with obnoxious disco neighbors in apartments
brings to mind similar experiences in suburbia.  In this case, however, the
noise polluters are charming little children who always want to play on your
front porch and in your front yard.  They always make a horrendous racket,
wreck your yard, and generally make life miserable (especially if you are
trying to listen to the Met on Saturday).  If you suffer from this problem, you
know that screaming at the kids or their parents has absolutely no effect.

There is a solution, however, that I've found to be very effective.  Open the
windows, turn the volume on your stereo up high, and put on Stravinsky's "Rite
of Spring".  They neighborhood will be still in just 10 minutes.  Remember,
too, that police are much more tolerant of loud classical music than loud rock
or disco.

This technique is also useful if someone next door has a party with a live rock
band at 12 midnight.  For variety, Strauss' "Elektra" works well, too.

Note: If you are the parent of the noisy children playing in your front yard,
these techniques might not be as effective.

gopher://quux.org/ conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>
of http://communication.ucsd.edu/A-News/

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