Mon Mar  8 09:58:47 1982
log0 query
Unfortunately, this can't be answered simply by forbidding log(0),
because logarithmic singularities actually do occur quite frequently
in theoretical physics.  Each time it occurs, you have to try to find
a way to handle it consistant with the rest of your problem.
(This is not always possible).  In your problem, it is easy to say

    Lim  log(b) - log(b) = Lim  log(b/b)  = Lim  log(1) = 0.
    b->0                   b->0             b->0

Sometimes you can actually define a single point at infinity and let
log(0) be it.  Other times, you just ignore the problem and consider
the area under the curve (finite).  In each case, it's safest to think
that you are not defining log(0) so much as you are defining a scheme
for getting around log(0).

As for the vitality of net.math: I don't really expect it to become
a really active group, since few of the active readers of netnews
are interested in the more esoteric features of the subject.

Ross Bogue

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