Mon Dec 21 21:22:07 1981
Presidents in heaven
Jimmy Carter stands before the Pearly Gates, and is confronted by the guardian.

"Well, Jimmy", he says, "You have not been a perfect man on Earth.  Before
we can let you into heaven, you will have to do a little pennance.  All you
need do is go down that corridor, enter the last door on the left, and spend
the night there."

Carter trundles down the corridor, but before he gets to his assigned room,
he decides to take a peek in the room before it.  Opening the door, he sees
Gerald Ford getting into bed with none other than Bo Derek.  He then opened
the door to his own room, only to find he has to spend the night with Ronald

As a man who has "lusted after women" in his heart, Carter is a little jealous
of Ford and runs back to St. Peter to complain.

"I don't understand!  You're making me spend the night with Reagan, while Ford
gets to spend the night with Bo Derek!"

"Look Jimmy", he is told, "Bo Derek's sins have NOTHING to do with yours."

               - Brad Templeton

Naturally, when I heard this joke in Canada, it had Pierre Trudeau and
Rene Levesque in it.  Since most net.jokes readers are in the USA, I
figured I would doctor it up a bit.

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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